Even if the topic varies from person to person, the nightmares are often similar. In any case, it's worth taking a closer look and considering what burdens and occupies us so much during the day that we can't let go of it at night. Anyone who has bad dreams more than once a week usually begins to suffer from it. Above all, if the dreams also accompany you during the day and you are really afraid of the next night, there may be a mental problem behind it. In this case, it is advisable to contact your family doctor or a psychologist to clarify whether an anxiety disorder or depression is behind it.
A rare symptom of nightmares is sweating, heart palpitations, accelerated breathing and Trembling the nocturnal incontinence. Even if this is very unpleasant, nobody has to be ashamed of it. It is then helpful to wear incontinence underwear, this gives a safer feeling and is a discreet solution for those affected.
A bedwetting alarm device can also be used, which works like a kind of alarm clock if bedwetting occurs.<
Think about something nice before you go to bed
Sometimes the dream events can be controlled a little at night. If you suffer from nightmares more often, you should definitely not expose yourself to exciting and scary input before going to bed. The psychological thriller on TV or the murder mystery in bed are not a good idea. If you like to read or watch TV in the evening, you should resort to a funny, romantic or simply harmless conversation. Media consumption should be stopped immediately before falling asleep so that the brain can rest. Here you can try to consciously think of something nice: maybe of your last vacation, the wedding, a nice experience with the children or the last meeting with your best friend. The aim is to fall asleep with a pleasant and warm feeling and to take this with you into the night. Maybe it will work out and the next dream will be nice and pleasant.
Rewriting the script of the dream
Most bad dreams are what are called idiopathic nightmares. That means there is no identifiable cause behind it. However, that does not mean that they simply have to be endured. At the latest when we wake up and are confronted with the dream event, we have the upper hand again. Then it is possible, for example, to change the dream event in such a way that it loses its horror for us. It's like we're just rewriting the script. The goal is to lose the feeling of helplessness, helplessness and fear. One option is to imagine an inner safe place that we can just quickly beam ourselves to. Or maybe an imaginary helper is needed in the dream, such as a good friend with super powers, a strong police officer or a brave dog? Anything that seems helpful is allowed here. Everything is possible, superpowers, magic, time travel - no problem at all. The only important thing is to choose an active strategy and not to hide or run away, because that only increases the helplessness. Now the nightmare with the new script only needs to be acted out several times during the day so that the brain stores the alternative behavior pattern.
Relaxation before bed
Nightmares often occur when something is very busy and we can't really switch off in the evening. Stress is actually one of the main triggers of nightmares. Then it is all the more important to really relax in the evening. Relaxation exercises, a hot bath or a cup of tea before bed can help.