Derfairwood Practice Competition is part of a multi-year educational project (2019-2022), promoted von Globalim Commission of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) as well as Des evangelical Church Development Service.The aim of Fairwärdist is to motivate tourism companies, travelers and students to deal with topics related to the fields of action of sustainable tourism development and to bring about changes in the sense of global sustainability goals.In the course of the concern of global tourism through the Corona crisis, DaFairwärt-Projekt also aims to make tourist players fit for a responsible restart, show them and motivate them to set up more sustainably.For this purpose, numerous free online knowledge offers are made available and sensitization work is done as part of the Fairwärmew Good Practice Competition.
Vom 16.November 2021 to 13.February 2022 can apply for tour operators, accommodations and other tourist service providers based in Germany in the following fields of action of sustainable tourism development with their Good Practice examples:
Menschenrechte & Partizipation
Umweltschutz & Biodiversität
Coping with climate change
Verantwortliches Geschäftsmodell & Partnerschaft
Communication of sustainability
Nachhaltiger Restart & Resilienz
We are looking for good practices that are in line with the sustainable values of the company and stand up for the well -being of people and the environment along the entire tourist value chain.It is also crucial that the Good Practices submitted are anchored in the core business of applicants and do not represent selective individual measures.
Ein Expert*innengremium bewertet alle Good Practice-Einreichungen und wählt die Gewinner anhand objektiv festgelegter Qualitätskriterien aus.
Kostenfreie Wissensangebote
Die Teilnehmenden und auch weitere Interessierte haben die Möglichkeit, sich auf derfairwärts-Websitemithilfe kostenfreier und praxisorientierter Wissensangebote in Form von E-Learnings, Erklärvideos und Web-Seminaren zu Nachhaltigkeitsthemen weiterzubilden und dieses Wissen für einen nachhaltigen Restart zu nutzen.What you have learned should also help reflect on your own actions and to carry out the Good Practice Enter.In the course of the project, the knowledge offers are supplemented by further explanatory videos for companies and web seminars for students-regularly look at the Fairwärts website.
Sichtbarkeits- und Kommunikationskampagne für Gewinner
Wer etwas bewegen will, braucht ein großes Publikum.Therefore, we offer the participants and in particular winners -effective public relations work through Tourcert and its network, on social media and in numerous industry -famous channels.
Weitere Informationen zumfairwärts Good Practice Wettbewerbfinden Sie auf der Websitewww.tourcert.Org/Fairwaerts.Always stay up to date.Facebook.com/Fairwaerts.
KATE Umwelt & Entwicklung e.V.
KATE Umwelt und Entwicklung ist eine 1997 gegründete gemeinnützige Beratungs- und Bildungsorganisation mit den Schwerpunkten nachhaltiges Wirtschaften, nachhaltiger Tourismus und Digitalisierung im Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement.As part of our project work, our focus - in the sense of the 2030 agenda - is on promoting sustainable economy, on vocational training for sustainable development and international development cooperation for responsible tourism.