by Claus Ludewig - As the social network Facebook announced, it is now available on the website and within the Facebook news app.There are news from selected publishers.
The world feels faster and faster and it is important to find out more in difficult times like global coronavirus pandemic.Many people now also use social media to read messages.Now Facebook has reacted to this and is now bringing the service Facebook News in Germany to the official Facebook app and the website in Germany.Together with the service provider Upday, which is developed by Axel Springer SE and Samsung, the news reports of the participating publishing companies are curated and then played out to the Facebook users.
Users receive curated messages from Facebook News
According to Facebook, you work together in Germany with 35 publishers.These include the media group Axel Springer with the Bild-Zeitung, the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the Marquard Media Group, which next to Golem.de also buffed.de, PC Games and PCGH belong.All participating publishers receive a remuneration from Facebook if they link to content that has not yet been listed on the platform.In addition to curated headlines, there will also be an algorithm that offers personalized content and analyzed which messages you have so far read, shared or subscribed as a registered Facebook user. Zudem gibt es bei Facebook News auch Kategorien wie Wirtschaft, Unterhaltung, Gesundheit, Wissenschaft & Technik sowie Sport.
It can take a while until you get the new Facebook news section on the web and on the smartphone app, since the activation takes place as a staggered rollout in the next few weeks..Facebook news has been available in the USA since October 2019 and in Great Britain since the beginning of this year.In addition to Facebook, for example, Google also operates its own news portal and pays participating publishers.With the so-called Showcase reports on Google News, publishers can set a kind of short summary of your articles online for free online in the Google News app and link to your own website.More and more so-called news aggregators that offer messages on one page on one page may be building up so that they do not have to pay money to the editors for every single message, as the newly formulated copyright in the EU actually provides for.
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Collection of Facebook News:
Reklame: Die besten Spiele-PCs von PCGH jetzt bei Alternate entdeckenSources: Facebook, Golem, Upday, Tagesschau, Google