On an American Airlines flight, a passenger is said to have bloodied a flight attendant. The trigger for the act was comparatively harmless, the man faces a high penalty.
A first-class passenger punched a flight attendant on a US scheduled flight, provoking an unscheduled stopover in Denver. American Airlines CEO Doug Parker called it "one of the worst displays of unruly behavior we've ever seen."
Looking at the attacker, he said in a video message: "I can guarantee you that this person will never be allowed to fly with American Airlines again." Parker called for an end to the increasing violence on airplanes. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) said the victim had since been released from the hospital.
Man was probably drunk
The incident happened on Wednesday evening (local time) on a flight from New York to California. ABC, citing a source familiar with the investigation, said the flight attendant accidentally bumped into the passenger and apologized. The man later went to the galley and hit the woman twice.
He then returned to his seat as if nothing had happened. ABC cited reports from passengers that the man was intoxicated. After the attack, he had to be tied to his seat. One passenger said he saw the flight attendant afterwards. "She had blood splatters on the outside of her mask."
According to Parker, American Airlines turned on the federal police FBI and will do everything possible to ensure that the perpetrator of the violence is held criminally accountable. They also work together with the FAA, which can impose fines of more than $ 50,000 (42,800 euros) in such cases.
Unruly passengers are increasing
According to the FAA, crews have submitted more than 4,940 reports of unruly passengers so far this year. 3,580 incidents were reported in connection with the mask requirement. More than 920 investigations have been initiated. For comparison: According to the FAA, there were 183 investigations in all of 2020. Because of the increasing number of incidents, the FAA is now pursuing a zero-tolerance policy.
The AFA union published a survey in July, according to which 85 percent of flight attendants had to deal with unruly passengers in the first half of the year. More than half have experienced at least five incidents in the period. 17 percent reported "physical incidents".