Former US President Donald Trump has again sharply criticized Joe Biden's government in interviews with his home broadcaster "Fox News". Trump, on the other hand, only found words of praise for his own achievements as US President - and tended to exaggerate slightly.
Donald Trump criticizes Joe Biden: greatest humiliation
Speaking to Fox News' Sean Hannity, Trump accused Joe Biden of being responsible for the "greatest humiliation" in the United States since the Tehran hostage-taking under President Jimmy Carter (1979-1981). "It's a terrible time for our country. I don't think in all these years our country has been humiliated like this," Trump said. "I don't know what you call it - a military or a psychological defeat that has never happened before."
"Most humiliating time I've ever experienced"
Trump brought up the scenes over the weekend in which desperate Afghans clung to the side of an Air Force cargo plane to avoid being left behind with the Taliban in Kabul. When the plane took off, people fell from a great height. "I was looking at this big monster cargo plane yesterday, where people are holding on to the side because of their incredible fear, trying to get flown out of Afghanistan - and they fall out of the plane from 2,000 feet, it's never been like that seen anyone," Trump said. "It beats the helicopters in Vietnam. It's not even a competition. It's the most humiliating time I've ever experienced." It was Trump himself who decided to withdraw troops from Afghanistan in 2020.
Donald Trump "prevented" 100 million corona deaths
Previously, in an interview with Dan Bongino, Trump had taunted Joe Biden's corona policy, as reported by the "Frankfurter Rundschau", among others. Donald Trump, on the other hand, praised his own corona policy in the highest tones. In particular, he credits himself with the fact that the first vaccines against the virus were approved and vaccinated during his tenure. "If we hadn't developed the vaccine during the Trump administration, we could probably have killed around 100 million like in 1917," the former US president told Fox News. In total, more than 400,000 people died as a result of their corona infection during Donald Trump's tenure. With more than 619,000 corona deaths, the USA is the country with the highest number of Covid 19 fatalities worldwide. According to the "Frankfurter Rundschau" on Twitter, a user described Trump's unrealistic self-praise as an "example of intellectual decay".
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