When treating Corona patients, doctors have to fall back on known means.Now a study comes to the conclusion that the conventional asthma spray Budesonide could help.
There are now many vaccines, one of the drugs are not yet: When treating corona patients, doctors have to fall back on already known means.Now a study comes to the conclusion that the conventional asthma spray Budesonide could help against Corona symptoms.
Researchers had noticed that asthma patients rarely fall difficult to develop covid-19.Is it because you often inhale an asthma spray with cortisone?Scientists from the University of Oxford have done a study and have now published their results in the science magazine "The Lancet".
Asthma patients rarely fall ill with Covid-19
They come to the conclusion that even in patients without asthma the spray budesonide reduces the risk of a hospital stay by 90 percent.In addition, patients recover faster.
The study examined a total of 146 subjects who had suffered from Corona symptoms for around three days at the beginning of the treatment.One group got Budesonide, the other group the painkillers paracetamol.By the way, the study was sponsored according to ZDF by AstraZeneca-the Swedish-British pharmaceutical company produces the Budesonide inhaler used.
Study with 146 subjects, but without a placebo group
For WDR science journalist Ruth Schulz, it is a disadvantage of the study that there was no group that received a placebo: ""
In addition, the number of study participants is not particularly high: ""
Lauterbach finds study results promising
SPD health politician Karl Lauterbach still finds the study results promising.He writes on Twitter: ""
Lauterbach told the WDR: "" He himself would prescribe the medication as a family doctor, said Lauterbach.
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Ein Hausarzt dagegen sagte dem WDR auf Anfrage, er rate zur Vorsicht. Ein Medikament wie Budesonid störe das Immunsystem und könne deshalb auch kontraproduktiv sein. Im Fall einer Lungenentzündung beispielsweise könnte sich diese noch verschlimmern.
According to the doctor, it depends on the individual case.The asthma spray is subject to prescription, so it cannot be taken without medical advice.
Video starten, abbrechen mit EscapeDie Corona-Impfung – Unser Weg aus der Krise?. Planet Wissen . 01.04.2021. 58:14 Min..UT. Verfügbar bis 01.04.2026. WDR.