The unrest in the Catholic Church continues: High -ranking representatives from the Archdiocese of Cologne demand "personal consequences" by Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki because of the intensifying crisis.
14 of the 15 city and district dechances from the Archdiocese of Cologne sent an email to Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki and his Vicar General Markus Hofmann on Whit Monday.In it they demand from Woelkiwegen of the intensified crisis.The "Bild" newspaper reported on Wednesday.
Church circles in the Archdiocese of Cologne confirmed the report on Wednesday on request.Accordingly, Woelki then offered the dean a conversation for which there should already be an appointment.
Stadtdechant Heidkamp: No resignation, but serious worries
Der Düsseldorfer Stadtdechant Heidkamp sagte dem WDR, dass es einen Brief an Woelki gegeben hat, in dem von den Sorgen der Gemeinden die Rede sei, aber "". Dass die Stadtdechanten mit dem Erzbischof reden, sei"", betonte Heidkamp. Er machte aber auch klar, dass der zusätzliche Termin, der nun anberaumt worden sei, zeige, .
City deans are used by the archbishop.They are almost a link between the archbishop and the municipalities on site.
Dispute over confirmation in Düsseldorf
As early as the weekend, more than 140 members of a Düsseldorf parish protested that Woelki wanted young companies to do with them.In an open letter they wrote to him:
Therefore, Woelki should hire another priest, on June 9, 17 young people in the municipality of St. Margareta.Woelki then proposed a common dialogue to the community on Tuesday.
Also votes for Woelki
Es gibt in Düsseldorf aber auch Gemeindemitglieder, die sich durch den Brief nicht repräsentiert fühlen. , sagte Ulrich Richter am Dienstag dem WDR.Er sei dafür, dass Woelki die Firmung vornehme.
Discussion about expert opinion
The largest German diocese has been in a credibility crisis for many months, which is reflected in an unprecedented wave of church exits.The crisis had been triggered because Woelki had held a long time back on an expert opinion on the handling of diocese managers with allegations of the sexual abuse of children by priests.
He led legal concerns for this.A second report published in March spoke to the 64-year-olds of breaches of duty.
Lay people don't feel taken seriously
However, the crisis is not over.Allegations against Woelki are also raised.So it came out that he had promoted a pastor to Düsseldorf's deputy city dean, although he had admitted to having sex with a 17 -year -old prostitute.At the same time, Woelki rejects homosexual couples.
The Diocesan Council of the Archdiocese of Cologne - the representation of the non -clericians - raised the question in a statement: as much as one strives for a dialogue: