Winter fans could look forward to decent snow conditions in the Thuringian Forest at least on the third weekend in Advent. According to the local regional association, there was snow up to 42 centimeters at high altitudes on Saturday.
At the start of the season for several lifts and cable cars in the Bavarian Alps, mountaineers should exercise caution off the slopes, especially in the Allgäu. According to information from Friday (as of 6:00 p.m.) above the tree line, the avalanche warning service classified the danger in the region as “large” (warning level four out of five), at lower altitudes as “considerable” (warning level three).
On Friday, an incident in the district of Traunstein showed that caution is required due to the risk of avalanches: A 41-year-old fell into a steep gully at the summit of the Hochgern and triggered an avalanche. She was rescued with serious injuries and taken to the hospital.
The German Weather Service expected further snowfall in the region on Saturday. In southern Baden-Württemberg, snowfall above 400 meters was initially expected on Saturday.
In Bavaria, ice and snow led to numerous accidents. A four-year-old child was seriously injured in a collision on a snowy road in Lower Franconia.
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