The Corona Vakzin Astrazeneca is to be used wider than before: The permanent vaccination commission has officially recommended that the vaccine also be given over-65 year olds.
The Corona vaccine from the manufacturer AstraZeneca is now also recommended for people aged 65 and over in Germany.The permanent vaccination commission (STIKO) announced on Thursday in Berlin, the vaccination with the means "F".That means: The material that should actually only be administered in Germany between 18 and 64 years can now also be rustled up to older people.So far they have only received the vaccines from Moderna and Biontech/Pfizer.
New data from Scotland and England
The decision for this expansion has been made because there are new study data, the STIKO said.They have only been published in advance in the past few days and showed "" that the vaccine prevents a Covid 19 diseases and, above all, serious illnesses, according to the body with a view to data from England and Scotland, where AstraZeneca is used broadly.
Stiko reacts to reservations
The STIKO also has the data on the effects of older people who have so far lacked it.So far, there is no official vaccination recommendation, only the preliminary declaration - the body wanted to take into account the extraordinary situation and the great need for information from the population, the statement says.Background: AstraZeneca made negative headlines in Germany because the side effects were supposedly too big.Many people canceled vaccine dates or did not even appear, a number of vaccine doses remained.
NRW: 750,000 people could actually be vaccinated
The NRW state government then decided to expand the vaccination campaign from March 8: from next Monday, doctors, police officers, educators, daycare workers or people with chronic illnesses can be vaccinated with astrazeneca.All in all, these are 750,000 people who are made an additional offer.
Beat for NRW vaccination campaign
So the NRW Ministry of Health had at least planned it.But now AstraZeneca's approval could also mean that they are served first.Not the over-70-year-olds-they are probably only at the end of April, at the beginning of May.
But teachers or police officers would have to wait.The vaccination of these groups will be "", Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU).By the end of March, NRW only had one million astrazeneca doses available.
Two advantages of AstraZeneca
The country wants to rely more on AstraZeneca because the opened ampoules can be stored for six days - unlike the vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer, which must be rustled within four hours.In addition, more people could be vaccinated if they would not get their second dose after nine, but after twelve weeks.The studies from Scotland and England, to which the STIKO is now referred to, covers this practice: the vaccine is more effective at this greater distance.
Referring model in Cologne
In the meantime there is already a specific subsequent model in Cologne: If appointments are canceled, people in the first and second priority group who have not yet been able to have the opportunity to be vaccinated.An ethics committee decides who ultimately get the vaccination dose.
An additional offer for teachers
In Krefeld, primary school teachers can be vaccinated from Tuesday because there is astrazeneca vaccine there."" said city director Markus Schön.
In Münster, groups of people are now also invited to vaccination dates who have not yet received a vaccination offer at the beginning of the astrazeneca vaccinations.This includes doctors who make home visits to inpatient care facilities, and also tooth, neck-nose and pediatricians.