A corona vaccination requirement does not make vaccination opponents change their attitude, says Ralph Sina. However, he demands that those who refuse to vaccinate at least come out before accepting invitations.
By Ralph Sina
dialog box
To the comments [134]It was supposed to be a cozy get-together over the weekend. A young couple who are expecting a baby soon had invited a small group of friends to their new house. Suddenly, the discussion at the living room table was about opponents of vaccination. One of the guests confessed that he himself would reject any Covid vaccination until a protein-based vaccine was developed. Stunned in the group and the question: Why are you only now telling us that you are not vaccinated?
A good week later, the unvaccinated guest sent a short text message:
Another week later, the pregnant hostess and her husband also tested positive for Corona. An accident? Perhaps. But not very likely.
Vaccination opponents are a burden on our hospitals
So far, only 67 percent of Germans have been fully vaccinated against Corona. I once asked the Robert Koch Institute (RKI): If you subtract all children under the age of 12 for whom no vaccine has yet been approved, how many unvaccinated people are left? Answer: Whole 16 million!
In Portugal it is different. More than 90 percent of the citizens there have been vaccinated. In Denmark, too, the willingness to vaccinate is significantly higher than in Germany, because the corona virus is seen as a common enemy there.
The Corona vaccination is not just about protecting yourself, but also others. Those who have been vaccinated are less likely to infect those around them and are less likely to suffer vaccination breakthroughs - i.e. an infection with symptoms.
But what is even more important is that those who have been vaccinated usually do not become so seriously ill that they have to be treated in intensive care. Unlike unvaccinated.
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In plain language, this means that opponents of vaccination who become seriously ill because they have not been vaccinated indirectly contribute to hospitals having to postpone vital operations because there are no longer any free ventilators and beds in the intensive care units. Not being vaccinated against Corona is therefore not a purely private matter.
Vaccination compulsory for certain professional groups?
My cheerful and awake Aunt Fee is 98 and lives in a nursing home in Essen. She can only hope that all of the very friendly and caring care team who help her wash, dress and get into the wheelchair are all vaccinated. The same applies to the ladies who bring her lunch or the volunteers who drive her and her roommates through the Gruga in Essen in a cycle rickshaw.
She doesn't know which of her helpers, with whom she literally comes into contact every day, are vaccinated. Only twice vaccinated visitors come to the home. They also have to do another PCR test at the gate. Which I think is absolutely correct. But who from the nursing team is vaccinated and who is not, must not ask the home management. The main thing is that the data is protected. Whether the residents of the home are protected is of secondary importance. A grotesque situation.
Compulsory testing for daycare babies, but not for employees
The situation in day-care centers is similarly absurd. Parents and grandparents can only bring their children and grandchildren there if they have taken a lollipop test early in the morning and turned the kitchen into an analysis laboratory. But whether all educators are vaccinated, the parents and the daycare management do not know. Data protection is also more important here than protecting small children.
And even if parents knew that, for example, a teacher was not vaccinated, what should they do? Taking your child out of the day care center you fought hard for? Should parents give up their jobs to look after their children themselves? No, they can only hope that their educators do not belong to some lateral thinker and esoteric association or to the AfD. And not to the camp of those who claim that corona vaccinations are only the result of a Bill Gates conspiracy or that vaccines are made from fetuses.
Right to self-determination
Yes, there is a right to self-determination. But there is also a right not to be wantonly put in danger by others. Nevertheless, I consider a general obligation to vaccinate children, young people and adults to be counterproductive, because it only fuels the conflict between those who oppose and those who support vaccination, the hatred of vaccinators as well, and because such a law would turn opponents into martyrs. Anyone who absolutely refuses to be vaccinated will not be vaccinated. No matter which law compels him to do so and what reward beckons.
Obligation to provide information instead of compulsory vaccination
The mother-to-be, who invited her friends for coffee, now accuses herself of not asking her guests for proof of vaccination.
But what I find much more frightening is the unscrupulousness of the opponents of vaccination in our afternoon round, who had not warned the hostess in advance, but only ""announced" their status when the conversation stumbled upon this topic quite by accident and were also proud of it because they could not believe anything and don't put pressure on anyone.
Whether educators in the day- care center or the nursing staff in a retirement home: In my opinion, it is time that everyone who helps others in their job must provide information as to whether and when they have been vaccinated, and regularly give their employer a PCR -Submit test.
How do you deal with corona vaccination opponents in your circle of friends and acquaintances? Are you trying to convince them of the need? Do you meet them indoors? Or are you anti-vaccination yourself? Then feel free to tell me why! I look forward to your experiences and opinions here in the comments or on social media. Let's discuss it!
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comments on the topic
Comment 133: Sepp kock writes on November 17th, 2021, 8:33 p.m.:
This comment has been banned for being offensive. (the editorial office)
Comment 132: MP writes on November 16, 2021, 4:41 p.m.:
So far not vaccinated (since the manufacturers do not provide allergists with the complete contents for appropriate allergy tests), as a severe allergy sufferer I am floating in a vacuum, so to speak. I'm very open about it, and every one of my hosts or guests knows that beforehand! A quick test before every get-together is a matter of course for me - however, I expect the same from the vaccinated! Because they are neither immune to the virus, nor immune to passing it on... I am not angry with anyone who does not want to meet or test - but I expect acceptance for my caution and concerns. There remains the hope of rapid approval of the inactivated vaccines that have other carrier materials and can perhaps convince even the skeptics.
More commentsComment 131: Nadine writes on November 16, 2021, 12:46 p.m.:
I am vaccinated and would like to apologize to those who have not been vaccinated for such articles and comments. Please be aware that not everyone thinks like that and let us stand together as a society in difficult times.