In the first season of the gay dating show "Prince Charming", Lars Tönsfeuerborn (31) won the heart of Prince Nicolas Puschmann (30) as the winner.Love also stopped after the end of the show and the two became a couple.
First separation and the second attempt
In November 2020 the couple separated for the first time.At that time, according to VIP, the media hype about "Let’s Dance" was a reason why the relationship broke up.The general media pressure through the public relationship did the rest.The end came as a surprise for the former TV prince.At the end of January, however, the two tried again (Schwulissimo reported).
Final love off?
Two weeks ago, Tönsfeuerborn had shared a couple photo by the Cologne Pride.But now Puschmann announced the renewed separation in his Instagram story: “Lars and I are no longer a couple.“He had probably achieved more and more questions about his relationship with Tönsfeuerborn, so that he now wanted to take a statement about it..Because, and Puschmann also said in his contribution, the two would like to calm and ask to respect their privacy.In the new separation, no evil blood really flowed.More precise reasons for the Puschmann not called.