A piano evening with Christoph Soldan will take place on Sunday, August 8, from 7 p.m. in front of Villa Eugenia in Hechingen.
Hechingen.In August, after the successful restart in July, there will be further concerts within the "Music in the Villa" concert series, which is carried out by the Hechingen/Villa Eugenia cultural association in cooperation with the Trossingen University of Music.The concerts are again planned as open-air concerts in front of Villa Eugenia.
It starts on August 8th with a Liszt piano evening with the pianist Christoph Soldan."Années de Pèlerinage" (pilgrimage years) is the musical legacy of the genius Franz Liszt, who is a spiritual person in this extensive collection of piano pieces from the start.The great work spans from the early compositions of the 25-year-old virtuoso to the religiously permeated works that the Abbé Liszt composed in his apartment in Villa d’Este near Rome in his last years.
In bad weather in the foyer of the town hall
Liszt was there as a guest of the Vatican Curium Cardinal Gustav Adolf von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, from whom he also received the lower orders.The sound of the church bells runs like a topic of life through the 26 piano pieces that act like a compendium of romantic piano music.The renowned, internationally successful pianist Christoph Soldan chose five of these pieces for his concert in Hechingen and brings these compositions closer to his audience as part of a conversation concert - a musical journey through 42 years in the life of Franz Liszt from 1835 to 1877.
"Sposalizio" will be heard after a painting by Raffaels (1839), "Vallée d'Obermann" (1835/1848), "Au Bour d'Une Source" (1835/1848), "Les Jeux d'Eaux à la Villa d 'Este "(1877) and" Angelus, prayer to the guardian angel "(1877).
If the weather permits, the concert will take place as an open-air concert in front of Villa Eugenia in Hechingen.In bad weather, the foyer of the Stadthalle Museum serves as an alternative place.The concert is organized by the Hechingen/Villa Eugenia cultural association in cooperation with the Trossingen University of Music.Tickets are reserved for cshan ze@aol.com or by phone at 0176/61257758 (stating the names of all guests and the respective contact details).
The admission prices are 20 euros, reduced 10 euros;They are payable when they are entered in cash.Compliance with the requirements of the 'Corona Ordinance' of the State of Baden-Württemberg in the valid version is guaranteed, according to the organizer.