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New hydrogen share with top management facing rapid price increases?
Company: Alkaline Fuel Cell Power
A cost-effective and emission-free new fuel cell design for domestic use!
The company Alkaline Fuel Cell Power (WKN A3CTYF) has successfully raised approximately CA$15 million from investors and anchor shareholders prior to the IPO, so we believe AFCP has ample liquidity for the foreseeable future. Another important highlight is the extensive experience of the management, which includes Mr. Gerard Sauer (Chairman Advisory Board), who was co-founder and former CEO of AFC Energy (WKN A0MNJ0) and brings significant hands-on experience in the field of hydrogen fuel cells.
AFC Energy currently has a market capitalization of approximately EUR 500 million. Our current recommendation, Alkaline Fuel Cell Power (WKN A3CTYF), which focuses on the development of cost-effective and efficient best-in-class fuel cells for domestic use, has a current market capitalization of EUR 90 million. We believe that at the current price level, AFCP offers investors a first entry point into a growing company aimed at developing best-in-class fuel cells that is just getting off the ground. In our opinion, risk-averse investors will find in this emerging start-up a compelling company with deep expertise and a technical management team whose track record speaks for itself.
Last tip: Up to 346% profit!
Another hydrogen-focused company we recommend and have been following since November 2020 is PowerTap Hydrogen (WKN A3CSCE). Early investors in PowerTap Hydrogen have enjoyed a roughly 340% increase in the share price since our initial recommendation (to the high of January 2021). We believe that Alkaline Fuel Cell Power (WKN A3CTYF) is a company that can attract a similar investor community and has the potential to enjoy equal or even better share price performance based on positive company performance (although there can be no guarantees) .We expect a regular flow of news after the company's listing, which in our experience is often associated with positive price momentum in the market.
AFC Energy stock
AFC Energy currently has a market capitalization of approximately EUR 500 million. Our current recommendation, Alkaline Fuel Cell Power (WKN A3CTYF), which focuses on the development of cost-effective and efficient best-in-class fuel cells for domestic use, has a current market capitalization of EUR 456 million. We believe that at the current price level, AFCP offers investors a first entry point into a growing company aimed at developing best-in-class fuel cells that is just getting off the ground. In our opinion, risk-averse investors will find in this emerging start-up a compelling company with deep expertise and a technical management team whose track record speaks for itself.
Alkaline fuel cell power in comparison
Company overview - interesting comparison to the Tesla Power Wall
Alkaline Fuel Cell Power (WKN A3CTYF) is a Canada-based developer of novel fuel cells used as micro-combined heat and power ("micro-CHP") systems, initially for residential and commercial use on small and medium-sized electricity markets. The company's operational headquarters are in Belgium, ideally positioning it as an exciting new European hydrogen deal!
For precisely this area of application, the company has developed a new system that is intended to meet the electricity and heat requirements on a smaller scale, but which appeals to a relatively large domestic market. Alkaline Fuel Cell Power presents a green and innovative alternative to conventional Micro-CHP systems, which are also powered by fuel cells.
The technology
In its company presentation, the company made a very interesting comparison with the Tesla Power Wall (WKN A1CX3T). and as summarized below, Alkaline Fuel Cell Power's system and technologies offer broader potential applications with consistent performance and lower cost to consumers.
In addition, the fuel cell systems developed by Alkaline Fuel Cell Power can also be used in various applications where only electricity is required and the generated heat is not used, including electric vehicle charging stations; backup power for cell towers and other telecommunications infrastructure; information technology devices; Points of sale for retail purposes; Bank terminals as well as back-up power for critical facilities such as hospitals. In addition, the system can also be used in situations that require the bridging of temporary power deficits, such as in hospitals, on construction sites, at outdoor events, search and rescue operations or military operations.
Alkaline Fuel Cell Power currently employs 15 people. Based on the company's milestone roadmap, we expect it to be ready for commercial deployment by the end of 2024. As the Company continues to make progress, press releases and project updates will be issued during this time to ensure investors can easily view the development and achievements leading to full commercialization.
The company has identified numerous benefits of its unique micro-CHP system:
The company's alkaline fuel cell design features an electrode and stack configuration that reflects the specific demand profile of a transient load. In this way, the fuel cell is configured to meet the specific load requirements that a customer places on the system.
The proposed electrode design practically eliminates disruptive and unwanted potential differences between the electrode surfaces, which significantly improves the reliability of the fuel cell. No noble metals are used in the electrode substrate and catalyst materials, resulting in significantly lower manufacturing costs and superior tolerance to contamination.
The market - hydrogen and CHP systems
Analysts estimate that by 2050, clean hydrogen will meet 24% of the world's energy needs. Annual sales from this greener energy source are expected to be around €630 billion.
Germany has set itself ambitious goals: by 2050, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 80 to 95 percent compared to 1990 levels, with interim goals for 2020, 2030 and 2040. Overall, all economic sectors will make a significant contribution to achieving these goals. In all industrial and agricultural segments, efficiency measures and renewable energy sources are expected to help reduce emissions, but these will not be completely emission-free. Therefore, it is crucial for other sectors to focus on significantly reducing their consumption and going largely fossil fuel-free. This also applies to the electricity sector.
combined heat and power
Combined heat and power (CHP) plays a special role here. CHP systems are more efficient than non-coupled generation systems because they produce heat as well as electricity. The heat generated during power generation is used as thermal energy for public and private consumers. As a result, fuel is used more efficiently and sparingly (Article BMI - Electricity Market of the Future).
Alkaline Fuel Cell Power - An Ideal Solution
Buildings account for around 35 percent of all final energy consumption in Germany. In total, Germans spend around 73 billion euros [annually] on space heating, hot water, lighting and cooling in residential and non-residential buildings. Therefore, we believe that Alkaline Fuel Cell Power (WKN A3CTYF), with its innovative and breakthrough approach and technology, is positioned in the right place at the right time to offer the world a potential solution to the grand challenge of the energy transition in buildings.
As already mentioned, AFC Energy currently has a market capitalization of around EUR 500 million. Our current recommendation of Alkaline Fuel Cell Power (WKN A3CTYF) has a market capitalization of only 90 million euros. We believe that the future potential for alkaline fuel cell power at current price levels is not yet reflected in the market valuation, especially given its unique solution to provide lower cost, effective and efficient fuel cells. We believe risk-tolerant investors who understand the global potential of the shift to greener energy solutions will see an opportunity in this emerging and newly publicly traded company, which has deep technical knowledge and is overseen by a technical management team with a proven track record.
In the future, the role of Micro-CHP fuel cell will play an increasingly important role. Alkaline Fuel Cell Power is pursuing the development of what we believe to be best-in-class fuel cells, targeting residential and small to medium power market applications.
On our homepage you will find detailed information on the Alkaline Fuel Cell (WKN A3CTYF)
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Hydrogenaktien.net (a brand of First Marketing GmbH)Daniel Mußler- Chief AnalystForum 7 • 69126 Heidelberg • GermanyEmail: info@wasserstoffaktien.net Website: www.wasserstoffaktien.net
Don't give away pointless bank fees. Buy the Alkaline Fuel Cell Power share with the WKN A3CTYF now through one of the best and multiple award-winning online brokers with a full service offer: Smartbroker.de from 0 euros per order! In its 6/2020 issue, Euro am Sonntag awarded the overall grade "very good".
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Overview of previous investment recommendations (12 months):
Type of analysis: Date: Target price/More recent: Initial recommendation 11/14/2020
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Values included: DE0007568578,US88160R1014,SE0006425815,DE000A255G02,US86738R1086