What is OOTD? Meaning & translation of the abbreviation

The abbreviation "OOTD" appears on the one hand in social networks and blogs, on the other hand the acronym can also be found on various shop pages. The meanings are fundamentally different - even if it is quite possible that both times are about fashion and clothes.


We explain other short forms and acronyms that you may stumble upon on the internet here in the video:

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What does "OOTD" mean on shop pages & on offers?

When you find the acronym in an online store or in a post promoting a specific product, "OOTD" usually stands for "Offer of the Day". Translated into German, this means "offer of the day". Normally, this means a daily offer - i.e. a particularly low price that is only valid for this one day.

It gets confusing when you come across the abbreviation on Twitter, Instagram or similar platforms. If the post is from a manufacturer or seller and advertises a product, the meaning "Offer of the Day" is obvious. However, if a private person uses the abbreviation and does not advertise a product, the other interpretation should be meant.

You can find even more internet jargon and explanations here:

What does "OOTD" mean for fashion bloggers and selfies?

The abbreviation "OOTD" is also common among fashion bloggers and vloggers, Instagram models and other internet personalities. But normal people also use the abbreviation as a hashtag under a selfie or self-portrait. In this case, the acronym "OOTD" should then stand for "Outfit of the Day". In German, the "clothing combination of the day" or "outfit of the day" translates.

For example, if someone sends you a photo of themselves via WhatsApp or uploads it to Instagram and uses the hashtag "#OOTD", they usually want a reaction - ideally, of course, praise or other suggestions for combinations - about their chosen outfit.

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