Aftermy magical-relaxingday roundSilvestergingtheyearworkengineeringquite a gallop: withmany seminarsshortersTime, withOmikron replanning, very diverse organisation, moreenamelandmany moreTextson the To-Do-List.Unless yearning for time, inthedayofsomethingsalwaysare: Ichbingeasilylong, longertime.
Thankingformy friendsandfriendsfora new year, we aretogethertogether.Thank youforboosefriendsandfriendsmoreandto have ofofmoreofofthemat home.Dankabilityforaouscalythatgives me so much forforallthing.Thanks to the fact that they are all around, and the great fear of Coronamitsomethfulslowlyactually slowlyintotheyearoftheyear, andthatwe are togethertogetherwe are together.Increasingmy friendsandfriendsand friendsofnewyearsandthatwe aretogetherallone.Thank youfor seeing my friendsandfriendfriendsmorethan thatwe aredoing moreat home. andthegreat fear of Coronawithsomethingalslowlytoactuallyfortheyear.
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