How did the Wollnys lose so much weight? Sarafina Wollny reveals the secret

How do Estefania Wollny or Sarafina Wollny actually do that? With what feels like every Instagram posting, the "Die Wollnys" family members have a few grams less on their ribs...

The pounds are falling off in the cult family “Die Wollnys”. Lavinia Wollny started it off – she lost a lot of weight some time ago and was celebrated for it by her fans. Her sisters have long since followed suit.

The Wollnys: Sarafina Wollny lost weight during pregnancy

Sarafina Wollny is particularly proud of her weight loss success. The 26-year-old recently gave birth to her twins, Emory and Casey - and she actually weighed less after the birth than she did before she was pregnant. She reported this a few weeks ago in her Insta story.

The scales showed only six kilos less with the twins in the stomach, immediately after the caesarean section 11 kilos were gone. Shortly after the birth of her sons, Sarafina's weight loss totaled 12.5 kilos. The RTL2 star would like to slim down ten more. She did not reveal how much she then weighs – but what the Wollny sisters' secret of weight loss is.


These are the Wollnys:


Estefania Wollny, Sarafina Wollny, Sylvana Wollny and Sarah-Jane Wollny: Slimmer than ever

Because it seems the whole family has gone on a diet. While Sarafina lost weight from morning sickness during pregnancy, the other sisters diligently counted calories. “Now I also count my calories. I do that together with the other girls.” You can lose 1.5 kilos in one week, says Sarafina.

Wie haben die Wollnys so krass abgenommen? Sarafina Wollny verrät Geheimnis


This is Sarafina Wollny:


Many Wollny fans thus have the answer to a question that has been on the minds of many, because Estefania's and Sarah-Jane's weight loss cannot be overlooked. The fact that the Wollny girls are currently feeling very comfortable in their own skin is becoming clear on social networks. Again and again they present themselves in new outfits in their Insta stories and beam happily into the camera.

Estefania Wollny: Through sport to the desired figure

However, the Wollnys did not achieve these results by counting calories alone. Especially Estefania Wollny, whose transformation is particularly remarkable, has recently been shown again and again in sports. In addition, she recently explained on Instagram that she is currently eating much healthier.


More about the Wollnys:

"The Wollnys": Sarafina shows the twins – fans freak out: "So cute"

The Wollnys: Estefania Wollny posts a new photo – fans are shocked: "Not healthy anymore"

The Wollnys: After a sudden break – Sarah-Jane admits: “I have to find a healthy balance”


We are excited to see how the journey continues for the Wollnys. Fans of the series "The Wollnys - A Terribly Big Family" are already very taken with their idols and love them - regardless of whether they have a few kilos more or less! (alp)

>>> Something that also interests many fans of the show "Die Wollnys" is their wealth: Silvia Wollny, Sarafina Wollny & Co. <<< have so much money