Are you looking for a first name for your daughter and know that it should start with A? We have some ideas for the perfect girl name starting with A for you.
Facebook WhatsApp Mail TwitterHooray it's a girl! You're probably already longingly waiting for the arrival of the little princess and your partner can't wait either. But before the baby luck is perfect for you, you still need a suitable first name. There are many girls' names (you can find an overview here), but maybe you already know that the first name you are looking for must start with an A. Then let yourself be inspired by our selection of girl names with an A!
Beautiful first names with A for girls
First name | Origin and meaning |
Abigail | Abigail is an old Hebrew female given name that was already mentioned in the Old Testament. Translated into German, Abigail means "father joy" or "the father is full of joy". |
Ada | This short girl's name is already mentioned in the Bible. In Hebrew, Ada means “the adorned one”. In the meantime, Ada has established itself as an independent name. In Germany it is usually a short form of Adelheid. |
Adele | is the independent short form of names beginning with "Adel-", especially Adelheid. Since the Middle Ages it was an absolute fashion name, but in the 20th century the popularity decreased more and more.Adele means the noble, the noble or of the noble family. |
Adrian td> | This first name was originally intended for boys, but since the 1950s it has also been used for girls, mainly in the USA. |
Agathe | A Greek name that sounds feminine and powerful at the same time: Agathe. Translated from Greek as "the good one", this is a suitable name for your spirited girl. |
Agnes | Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhio is better known as Mother Teresa. She became a legend and a moral role model. She is still revered for her countless charity projects to this day. Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. |
Agneta | Agneta is a special Scandinavian girl name that has a beautiful meaning: "pure" or "sacred". |
Ahsen | "The most beautiful thing there is" is not only to have a child, but also to decide on this beautiful Turkish name - that's exactly what it means.< /td> |
Ahu | The Turkish name Ahu sounds very melodic. Translated, it means "gazelle" or "deer". Definitely an elegant girl's name. |
Aiko | This cute first name means "love child" and is very common in Japan. |
Aja | Aja means "the guardian" and is a melodious, unusual first name for girls. |
Alani | Alani is a Hawaiian first name that means "child of heaven". It can be given to girls and boys alike and is quite rare in Germany. Exceptionality is guaranteed. |
Alba | Alba is a Latin name that means "the white one". Although it is very evocative, it is only at number 442 on the name charts, making it a very rare name for girls. | < /tr>
Alea | Alea is a beautiful short girl name which has two meanings, it is the Frisian abbreviation of Adelheid ("of noble form") and also a form of Eulelia/ Eulalia - "the eloquent" or "the one with the power of speech". |
Alenja | This name is derived from "Lenja" and is a variant of "Helene". The meaning can be translated as "the radiant one". When pronouncing it, it should be noted that the "j" is pronounced like a "dsch". |
Alexandra | The relatively unknown Alexandra Kollontai also belongs to the important women of our contemporary history. The woman with the classic female first name played several roles in Russia in the first half of the 20th century: she not only worked as a diplomat, but also made a name for herself as a feminist and revolutionary. She fought for better maternity protection, for the right to have an abortion and for a relaxation of marriage law. A courageous woman whose name was Alexandra, appropriate to her role as a women's rights activist. Because her first name means "the foreign men defending". A girls name to remember! |
Alice | Alice in Wonderland or Alice Schwarzer? This woman's name comes from Old High German and means "of noble nature". Especially in the 1970s, many girls were given this name. |
Aliqua | Aliqua means "somewhere", "somehow" in translation. But even if you have a child, Aliqua is a very nice Latin name! |
Alisea | We can hardly think of a more sonorous name for a summer girl introduce: Alisea. The meaning is just as summery as the sound, because the warmest months are known to be the summer months. |
Aliyah | Aliyah derives from the Hebrew word "alah" ab, which means "ascend". Aliyah is therefore the sublime. |
Aliza | Aliza means "happy" in translation and you probably wish for your little daughter, toothat she has a cheerful disposition. |
Allegra | The female first name Allegra also belongs to the hippie generation. Prominent names include Allegra Curtis and Allegra Versace. You can be satisfied with the naming, because this Italian term means "the happy one". |
Alma | Alma is a first name that is actually of Albanian origin , but occurs more frequently in Greece. The translations are varied: Alma is often interpreted as "brave" or "soul". |
Aluna | Aluna is also known in Spain (Luna : "the moon"), on the archipelago in the Pacific this means "dissolution" or "loosening". |
Amal | Amal is not just a girl's name , it also sounds wonderful as a boy's name. Amal represents hope and longing. |
Amelie | "The Fabulous World of Amelie" is a classic, and so is this elegant movie name for girls. It can be translated, among other things, with "the efficient", but also with "the brave". |
Ami | As in French, this Japanese girl's name means "Friend" and fits not only Japanese but also German surnames. |
Amiel | This nice-sounding first name means "God is the protector". There is no harm in instilling God's protection in your offspring! |
Amy | Amy is the English short form of Amata.This name comes from comes from Latin and means "girlfriend" or "beloved". Aimée is known in French. And "Aimer" means to love - what a wonderful meaning! |
Andra | A lesser-known form of the name Andrea is Andra. This Christian name for girls is best known for the apostle Andrew from the New Testament. |
Andrina | "the brave" is the meaning of Andrina, a beautiful, feminine name that is extremely rare. |
Anela | This beautiful first name is a variant of Angela and means "angel" or "messenger" . The name originally comes from ancient Greek. But Anela is also common in Hawaii. |
Anette (Anni) | Anette is also a popular Bavarian first name. In French, Anette means "graceful". In Bavaria people also like to say Anni to Anette. |
Angela | Yes, that is Angela Merkel's maiden name (who married the physics student Ulrich Merkel Divorced in 1982, but the politician kept the name!). She became Germany's first female chancellor and went down in history. |
Ann | Ann is the English/American variant of Anne or Anna. In the Bible, Anna is the mother of Mary. Ann means "the gifted one" or "the graceful one". |
Anna | The classic first name Anna landed on the popularity list of Germans in 2018 in seventh place. This first name is derived from Hannah and is translated as "grace". |
Anniki | Perfect for anyone who loves mythical creatures and nature. This cute first name is Finnish and means "forest fairy". |
Anouk | Only a few girls in Germany are called Anouk. But the meaning is really nice: "The gifted one". |
Anoushka | One like no other - say the old Indians. |
Antonia (Toni, Tonerl) | Antonia is a Bavarian girl's name that is often changed to Toni or Tonerl. Translated from Latin, this pretty first name means "the priceless one". |
Ariel | "Lion of God" means this soft-sounding name. The lion symbolizes strength and power and is a popular symbol of rulership. |
Arielle | The fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen was turned into a beautiful animated film by Disney. Here, the little mermaid who falls in love with a prince and eventually becomes his princess has been given the melodic name Ariel. Translated, this fairytale name means "Lion of God". |
Arwen | The elegant Elbe from the film epic "The Lord of the Rings" is the model for this famous name, which, thanks to the trilogy, is also given to newborn girls again and again. |
Arya | The courageous girl from "Game of Thrones" bears the famous film name, which has meanwhile parents like to use it. |
Askja | Askja is the name of an Icelandic Vulknas and with its beautiful sound can now also be the name of your daughter. |
Astoria | So far we only knew it as a hotel. The name comes from Provence and means "falcon". |
Astrid | Astrid is not only the name of one of our favorite children's book authors, Astrid Lindgren, but also promises good things for the wearer. The name means "born under a good star". |
Aurelia | The name is derived from the Latin word for the precious metal gold and means " die Goldene" |
Aurora | You know: The Disney version of "Sleeping Beauty" (1959) also has a first name - and that is Aurora. Of course, we don't wish our daughters to be enchanted by a dark fairy or prick themselves on a spindle. But it should not be forgotten that the good fairies also determine Aurora's character: they give her virtues such as goodness. And in terms of meaning, too, there is a certain magic surrounding the name Aurora. According to the online page "vorname.com", Aurora means "the dawn". |
Ava | The famous US actress Ava Gardner wears this beautiful one first names. Ava comes from different countries and therefore has different meanings such as "mother of the living", "water", "noise" (Persian) or "bird" (Latin). |
Avery | This first name is known in English and French-speaking countries. The Old English origin of Avery means "leader of the elves". |
Avila | The word "aval" from which the name is derived stands for power and strength - Qualities you'll want to pass on to your daughter along the way. |
Ayla | Ayla is the healing heroine of Jean M. Auel's bestselling series and an imaginative, melodious girl's name. |
Azura | This name also comes from Italy and means "sky blue". This girl's name was very popular in the 70s. |
Wasn't the right first name listed? Maybe it's enough if the A is at the end of the name, or you just have a look around at what other first name inspiration we've collected for you.