Topics: styling, love
Fashion no-gos: These clothes find boys on girls totally unsexy
You shouldn't wear that for the date.
Quelle: Freeman Studio/Shutterstock.comWomen should always wear what they feel comfortable in and what they personally like best.However, if you want to impress your crush or give a particularly good figure on the first date, you should rather do without certain items of clothing.They are not well received by men, as a survey by the dating platform Zoosk found out.
Crumpled clothes: Most people probably don't feel like ironing a large mountain laundry away every time and with many clothes that is not necessary at all.Unbooked blouses and clothes often look quite stupid and are considered a real no-go in 60 percent of all men.
Socks in sandals: What we women don't like to suffer from the other way around.It is an absolute exclusion criterion for 55 percent of the boys if girls combine socks with sandals.
Crocs: No matter how cozy these mountain pines may be, you are not exactly to look at.Therefore, you should really only wear crocs at home and do not come up with the idea of choosing them for a date.53 percent of all guys will thank you.
Baggy jeans: In the 90s she wore almost every boy and even today the comfortable, wide jeans are still asked for some people.50 percent of the men surveyed do not find baggy jeans on women and would certainly prefer something more figure -hugging.
Granny slippers: The underwater fashion is really versatile for girls and ranges from strings to classic briefs to panties.Here it is really a matter of taste what you wear, but from the old granny panties you should rather keep your hands off if you want a boy wanting you to your laundry.For 45 percent of the survey participants, this is a real love killer.GIF via Giphy.com
Board shorts: boys in boards shorts can really be biting.But this opinion is not based on mutuality when we use women to reach the long, wide, wide swimming trunks.45 percent of men are anything but enthusiastic about the sight.
Young people outfits: Even if we sometimes don't want to admit it: we can't stay young forever.Therefore, you should also adjust your wardrobe if you are no longer a teen and not compulsively wear it, for which you are too old for a long time.So see at least 44 percent of the men.
Too long or too short pants: Finding the perfect pants is really not easy.If it fits in the width, the length does not have to be right and vice versa.But here guys are apparently quite critical, because 39 percent find really uncool both too short and too long..
Hip pants: This relic from the 1990s is still the hit with some girls.And although many guys probably find the sight of the flashing tangas very hot, that's a trace of too much for 38 percent.
Extremely tight pants: As with so many things, bangs often wear the women who actually cannot afford it and then look like a sausage in Pelle - sorry.Therefore, 34 percent of men are of the opinion that extremely tight pants are not as sexy as they appear.
Photo: Freeman Studio/Shutterstock.com