Many people dream of sexuality in the most sense, not only per se of sex, but from falling in love, flirting, kissing, etc..Often the dreams are beautiful and fulfilling, but often also confusing, for example when we dream of sex with someone that we do not find attractive or attractive in real life.Nevertheless, we tend to interpret these dreams one to one, we are often wrong with it.
The classic interpretation of dreams in relation to sex shows: sexual dreams mean a lot, but it is not always about lust and desire.Here you can find out the most important basic topics about sex and how you can interpret dreams with sex for you.
Dream interpretation: what sex dreams can mean
Do not frighten yourself if you dream of having sex with your neighbor or even boss or if you suddenly feel heterosexual instead of hetero-heterosexual or instead of gay suddenly heterosexual.All of this is a dream and does not mean that you now dream of becoming intimate with exactly these people or this group of people.That would be a very brief dream interpretation of your sex dreams.Of course you can also be an indication that we do not live out something that is in us.Because when we dream, we are in an area that is not shaped by the mind.Therefore, dreams can be an important indication of our lives.And that also makes the dream interpretation so exciting.Not everything has to be suitable for you, but you can think about what could be true.
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Video von Aischa ButtMore than sex
Of course, some sex dreams also show us that we miss something in our sexuality, be it that we no longer feel popular or like other practices.The dreams can also be an indication of general shoots and longings that we suppress and to which we should pay more attention.Topics often occur in the dream that we are unconsciously working on.Perhaps we are longing for more closeness and tenderness, for more pleasure and desire, maybe we just lack a firm bond that is expressed in this way.This kind of dream can be about sex, as well as interpersonal, but also things in us and our everyday life that have nothing to do with sexuality, makes this kind of dream and interpretation so exciting.And by the way: even if we sometimes scare ourselves, we find most sexual dreams extremely pleasant.Are you excited to see what your sex dreams mean?Here are a few frequent dream motifs of sex dreams and their interpretation.You can find out what is ultimately true.
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Dream interpretation: sex with someone other than the partner
If you dream of getting closer to someone else, but this does not have your own partner or.Your own partner is, then it can have to do with the fact that you miss something in your relationship.Maybe you no longer feel observed or something is wrong in sexuality.Everyone has to find out exactly what the trigger for the foreign..The fact is, however: A lot of people dream of having sex with someone else without wanting to implement it in reality.So much is safe.
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Often we also dream sex dreams with someone that we find in real life zero attractive.In this case, it's not about sexuality, but rather about what I connect with this person, be it a certain status, for example when it is your own boss that you dream of, or a prominent personality.Or we dream of someone who has a certain social status, such as z.B.a celebrity or a special ability.This is about what I may hope for in my life or how I wish to be.This can also be an indication of your own life that you should question.
Sex with the ex-partner or the ex-partner can indicate that we have not yet quite processed the lost relationship.Which does not necessarily mean that we want the ex again.But in the subconscious one or the other topic that we have not yet concluded and that is still concerned with us.Or we are currently in the process of slipping back into old relationship patterns or making old mistakes again.So there is still a little work to be done here.Sex with a totally unknown in turn requires a lot of interpretation from everyone: Why does this person attract me in a dream?What properties does it or.He who act on me?This can also be an indication of real life what we want in a partnership or.What we may lack in an existing relationship.
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As a heterosexual person you dream of homosexual encounters and vice versa
Of course, it can be a sign if you as a woman dream of sex with other women more often, even if you think and feel 100 percent in the waking state.Of course it can be a tendency that you have not yet allowed.But sometimes it is far more earthly than expected or hoped.Then the dream of sex with another woman testifies to a close bond and appreciation for a friend - without thinking about lust and passion.That can also be the case.You can only find out for yourself what exactly applies to the dreaming s).
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Dream interpretation of sexual violence and incest
Of course, a dream that deals with sexual assault or harassment can be a note for already experienced.However, it doesn't necessarily have to.This kind of dream can also be interpreted in such a way that the dreaming in his real life has the feeling that his wishes and needs are not taken seriously, that it cannot develop freely, but is restricted by others.Perhaps someone in the private environment has disregarded their own personal rights or has interfered in areas that clearly do not concern him.Incest dreams with family members are often very disturbing.However, these dreams are not sexually interpreted, but rather in such a way that there is too close binding or.Dependence in the family, it is more about nibbling and clarifying family relationships with each other.
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Further motifs and their possible interpretation
Sex dream of a threesome: unfulfilled, sexual wishes sex dreams with SM practices: does not necessarily mean that you want this kind of sex, but rather that you want to have more active in life where you go for a long time in which oneOthers observed during sex: difficulties in one's own relationship equal love, despite heterosexuality: longing for sensual, tender love sex dream, in which others observe one during sex: longing for more attention from the partner, your own relationship does not experience the appreciation youWishes sex with a celebrity: We admire properties that we also want for ourselves, or we long for the shine that enrich our own little life Würdesex with a friend that you don't find sexy: you admire your character,Wish more closeness to this person sex with a stranger: suppressed character traits and characteristics that you do with a brother, schWester or cousin: This is usually about character traits and essential trains that you have not yet lived out or have not yet developed strongly enough
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Dream interpretation: the partner or.The partner has sex with someone else
Of course, it can also be about being afraid of losing your partner that the thoughts of the day still follow you into the dream.But it doesn't have to.It can also be about the fact that both partners talk too little about sex together and exchange ideas and that something is in the ARGEN in common sexuality.It may also be that you do not open your sexual frustration openly with your partner and you have so far avoided a conversation and wishes and problems are suppressed here.You should also ask yourself: What does it do with me when I see my partner like this?Does it change my thinking about him?And do I also think that my relationship might be at risk?
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NEWSLETTERSGofeminin führt die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten durch, um eine personalisierte, werbliche Kommunikation zu ermöglichen, die auf Ihren Präferenzen basiert. Weitere Informationen hierzu, sowie zu Ihren Rechten in Bezug auf Ihre persönlichen Daten erhalten Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.News, Tipps und Trends... wir haben viele spannende Themen für dich!Start to interpret the indications of the dreams for you:
Basically, it can be said that sex dreams are not always sexually interpreted, but can express needs that come into play too little when waking up.Maybe we miss closeness, tenderness, lust and passion, but it is just as often about things in our personality that are too short and which we should pay more attention.Dreams do not have to say anything, but they can provide important information about ourselves.Therefore: Try the dream interpretation and find out what is behind your sex dreams.And for everyone who forgot their dreams too quickly after waking up: Lay yourself a note and pin next to the bed and write down the most important points.So you can think about it later and make your own dream interpretation.