The police union (GdP) has criticized the CDU for an election campaign poster with an employee disguised as a police officer as a motif. "Just as police officers are not allowed to go to party meetings in uniform, parties should not advertise themselves with fake police officers in our outfit," said Deputy GdP Federal Chairman Jörg Radek of "Bild" (Wednesday). "We are there for all citizens, not the set for election programs, not even those of friends of the police. Without the accompanying text 'Attention! Election advertising!' it can also be punishable."
CDU campaign posters with employees and members
CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak presented his party's election campaign and the associated posters on Tuesday - including the one with the apparent policewoman. Because of the restrictions and hygiene standards, no models or purchased pictures were used for the photos, rather they worked with employees and members of the CDU, it said. The posters are to be pasted and set up when postal voting begins in mid-August.