What is male?
The understanding of masculinity has changed significantly over the past 30 years. Unlike in the past, characteristics such as physical strength, ambition and dominance are less and less associated with masculinity.
So if you want to impress women with your masculinity, you can't do it with muscles and macho behavior. Instead, you should rather emphasize these characteristics, because according to surveys by the Parship dating platform, they are considered particularly masculine:
5 styling tips that make men look taller
5 things that make you masculine:
According to Parship, women and men are surprisingly in agreement about what is masculine and what is not. And even if you can score points with inner values when it comes to masculinity, there are a few things that you can also change about your appearance in order to appear masculine:
1. The right clothes make you attractive
Every second woman finds men's outfits unattractive. Which items of clothing do women really go for? T-shirts, chinos and sneakers are very popular. So sporty types have the edge. But the best outfit is useless if you hide it under an unsightly jacket. That's why we're also telling you in our dossier which jackets you'll be well dressed in next autumn.
Fashion trends for men
2. A haircut can work wonders
Our hair makes up a large part of our appearance. With so much charisma power, it makes sense to emphasize masculinity with the right hairstyle. Short sides and a slightly longer top coat make the face appear more prominent and therefore more masculine. This hairstyle is also popular with women. Bald people get extra points: A study by the University of Pennsylvania found that men with bald heads not only look more masculine and authoritative than those with full hair, but also appear taller and stronger.
Sexy men's hairstyles
3. A beard automatically looks masculine
... and also attractive. This is now scientifically proven. A study by the Journal of Evolutionary Biology that tested men's attraction to women found that bearded men are more attractive and make women believe they are a better life partner than a clean-shaven competitor. But which beard do women like best? The 3-day beard is still far ahead. Women like the combination of soft skin and slightly tickling facial hair when kissing. We will tell you in our dossier which other beards are also popular. There are also tips on how to speed up your beard growth.
Boost beard growth
4. The right posture for more radiance
Remind yourself regularly: shoulders back, chest out, stomach in. Why? Because good body tension actually has two different effects: On the one hand, good posture radiates self-confidence. Second, we actually feel safer and stronger when we straighten up and tall.
Exercises for better posture
5. The right car underlines masculinity
A man and his car often form a symbiosis. But does every man need a big car to feel good? No of course not. But men want to be independent and achieve great things. And women like men who are independent and – guess what – making a big difference. With a car you can do just that. If it's supposed to be a car, then please have a nice one. Treat yourself to a chic sports sedan like the Kia Stinger. It combines the latest technology and elegant design.
All information about the Kia Stinger
You want to look more masculine and don't know how to do it? We have compiled the best tips for you in this dossier. Just click through the articles and you are one step closer to your goal of appearing manlier.