Designer bags are beautiful, but unfortunately very expensive. All the better that there are bargains that look much higher quality than they really are. Above all, this trend bag by Monki...
Let's be honest: We've all looked behind the designer bags from Bottega Veneta, Louis Vuitton and Dior, but unfortunately our wallets start laughing before we really seriously consider buying one of these luxury pieces be able. But as we found out a long time ago, good style doesn't have to cost a lot of money - after all, there are lots of great trendy pieces at very affordable prices. And as much as we like to dream of designer bags, we much prefer to invest our coins in a nice vacation or spa day with the girls. Fortunately, there are many bargains that look much more expensive than they really are. Above all, a trendy handbag from Monki with absolute designer potential - and you can currently even get hold of it for half price in the GRAZIA shop. Ka Ching! 🔥
This Monki bag looks like a designer piece
Designer bags are beautiful, but unfortunately also very expensive. But we found a model that looks like you invested your monthly salary in it - and for a short time you can get it at half price for only 15 euros directly from us in the GRAZIA shop! We're talking about the imitation leather handbag by Monki. The ruffled design made of vegan leather with knotted straps and magnetic closure comes in a noble camel tone and is therefore similar to luxurious designer pieces. The shiny finish also gives the bag a high-quality touch and makes the great trend piece our latest fashion favourite.
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This is how we style the trend piece from Monki
Influencers and style connoisseurs love the expensive bags from the luxury label Bottega Veneta. In particular, the designer house's small Jodie bag enjoyed great popularity this year. What makes the popular bags an absolute it-piece? The trendy camel brown tone and crescent moon shaped design. However, the cheap designer imitation from Monki can absolutely keep up with its expensive competition and convinces us in particular with its high-quality design in an elegant light brown, which can be perfectly combined with the trends of the season. Our styling tip: The combination of camel with navy is particularly great, but a minimalist styling with white, cream or black also sets the camel bag in the spotlight – we love! 💕
More great bags that you can get hold of in our GRAZIA shop: