Radiant, beautiful skin is the favorite accessory of every beauty lovers.Because if you feel beautiful, you radiate that!Babor now has something new for all treatment fans, with the desire for smooth skin, in the area of the eye, forehead and mouth part: the non-invasive treatment with the innovative Babor Tech SkinFirmor RF.Every day, environmental influences, free radicals and factors such as screen work and stress put a strain on the skin.This leads to a faster aging of the skin, especially in the sensitive area of the eyes and the mouth.The result is wrinkles, dark eye shadows and swelling. Das Treatment schafft hier Abhilfe und glättet Fältchen im sensiblen Bereich der Augen, Lippen und Stirn im Nu!
Das BABOR TECH SkinFirmor RF Gerät kombiniert zukunftsweisende Erkenntnisse im Bereich der Radiofrequenz mit den neusten Innovationen der Hautforschung und überzeugt auf ganzer Linie! Für alle Nicht-Tech-Nerds: Radiofrequenz hat ihren Ursprung in der Medizin und gilt als Stimulanz für Zellerneuerung und Kollagensynthese.In the treatment, the skin care expert uses a special handpiece with an electrode that brings the released energy of the radio frequency into the skin and thus into the deep layers of the skin.This creates a swinging of the water molecules in the tissue, which heats the treated zone in a controlled manner to a maximum of 41 ° C.This boosts the skin's own regeneration mechanisms, promotes the formation of the new formation of collagen and elastin, increases the microcirculation and thus optimally supplies the tissue with nutrients and oxygen.As a result, the skin appears firmer and smooth in the treated area. Es heißt also: Fältchen, dunkle Augenschatten und Schwellungen adé!
Die Behandlung eignet sich optimal für ein Treatment on-the-go, denn durch die schnelle Regenerationszeit der Haut, eignet sich die Mittagspause perfekt für einen Beauty-Break.The highlight: The treatment can also be integrated into existing manual Babor treatments and selected equipment treatments.So Beauty-Lover can take your favorite treatment for targeted treatment of the Z.B.: Complete oral, eye or forehead area.What you can look forward to in the SkinFirmor treatment: with alternating cool and warm compresses, after gentle cleaning to match the individual skin type, starts the treatment.Second step of the preparation is a peeling of the skin.Curtain for the SkinFirmor RF: The skin care expert or skin care expert also applies the glycerin gel to the eye, mouth and/or forehead games to be treated and the radio frequency treatment starts.The skin care expert or skin care expert selects the desired program on the modern touch display and begins to glide with even, circular movements over the selected area.The duration and intensity of the selected program are already optimally set.For an optimal result, the treatment is recommended as a cure, twice a week, with a total of 6 treatments within 3 weeks. Nach der Behandlung mit dem SkinFirmor RF setzt die Hautpflegeexpertin oder der Hautpflegeexperte das neue Highlight-Produkt des Treatments ein: das DOCTOR BABOR Repair Cellular Eye & Lip Serum.Effective extracts of the Albizia JuliBrissin silk tree optimally support the mode of operation of the radio frequency to further reduce wrinkle intensity.The serum is also available for use at home and optimally supports the treatment result.After the locally and eye area to be brought up, the skin care expert works into the rest of the skin in the rest of the skin.The Babor Tech Eye Sheet Mask and the Lip Sheet Mask, which are specially designed for the Treatment, provide the specially designed Babor Tech Eye Sheet Mask.They moisten, relax and calm the skin in the mouth and eye area, with a pleasantly cooling effect.Hyaluronic acid intensively supplies the skin with moisture and supports the moisture binding of the skin.The rest of the skin can be supplied with a cream mask at the same time to match the skin type.An individually coordinated final care, consisting of eye care and cream, rounds off the pampering program.The result: a fresh, smooth and radiant eye, forehead and mouth part.
BABOR TECH SkinFirmor RF Treatment,
Augenpartie, 20 Minuten, 35 Euro UVP*
Stirn- oder Mundpartie inkl. Nasolabialfalte, 12 Minuten, 23 Euro UVP*
DOCTOR BABOR Repair Cellular Eye & Lip Serum 15 ml, 39,90 Euro UVP
*Preise und Behandlungszeiten variieren, abhängig vom gewünschten Behandlungsbereich, Intensität und Behandlungsdauer, individuell abgestimmt mit der Hautpflegeexpertin oder dem Hauptpflegeexperten.