Innovations New paths instead of imitation: How China's carmaker The German oversighted guest contribution by Wolf Ingomar Faeckswolf Ingomar Faeck is a consultant for the digital business transformation of under ...
Art Garfunkel jr.Numerous stars brought to the side, including Marianne Rosenberg (66), Eloy de Jong (48), Ross Antony (47), Bernhard Brink (69) - and of course be ...
The 40-year-old was certain that the dramatic appearance was certain: in the skin-tight, black ensemble you did not recognize facial features, but Kardashian's famous, curvy figure.High shoes with G ...
The airport employee feels me: "What kind of trip you have in front of you," he says at the check-in switch in Hamburg.I want to go to Dubai with the evening flight and the next morning after four s ...
Matthias Schweighöfer (40) reports back on Instagram with rare snapshots after the turn of the year."Halloo ... the first pictures of the year," he writes about an entire photo series, on the ...
What happens if there is a gigantic power failure across Europe?Moritz Bleibtreu (50) experiences it in the new series "Blackout" (from October 14, 2021 at JOYN PLUS+).Based on the MIL ...
A fresh face in the video chat can't hurt, Anna Sweet and Nate Salpeter thought.The idea of having their animals switched on in video calls zoomed-uh, boomt.
Only Ralf Dümmel (54) looks a lucrative investment in the product, all other four lions rise.After an exciting negotiation, founders and investors agree on a deal in the end ...
"Let's Dance" professional dancer Evgeny Vinokurov (31) is back on Instagram with a happy message: He and his wife Nina BezzuBova have become parents for the first time.The birth of her son ...
Moroccodiese Hot Spots should not miss a Morocco trip Editor If you are planning a trip to the unforgettable Morocco, then these places may be on your list a ...
Uwe Seeler will be 85 years old this Friday.The people who once experienced him as a thoroughbred striker usually have gray temples themselves.Others who are significantly younger have stories about I ...
Wadi Wasit is a source of forgetting.We reach them on a glowing hot August day.Half of a more than 1200 km long walk from Dschidda to Jordan, maybe the ...
Adele (33) not only reports back with new music.The superstar also celebrates his return with a real bang.The singer is the first person who at the same time the cover of the US "Vogue" ...
He likes the figure that someone would be in the center who shy away from the public who hardly stand up to the opposite and in direct confrontation before excitement ...
For years, the Moore law was a doom for Apple and his overfather Steve Jobs (1955-2011).It says that the complexity and performance of boards and storage technology I ...