Helene Fischer (35) is given a great honor: her song "Now or never" is the ARD Olympic song.And in keeping with today's opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing, the music video also celebrates ...
Now there is apparently no back!As early as November 2019, Prince Andrew, 61, had temporarily withdrawn as Senior Royal.A decision that Queen Elizabeth, 95, after the Desaströ ...
Not that "TV totally" would be a full waste of time.Because actually everything feels very much on the first TV view as before.There are the legendary "TV Total Nipple" (the short recordings ...
As we reported yesterday, Grand Theft Auto V will receive his next-gen-upgrade for Xbox Series X | S and PlayStation 5. But not enough, because all GTA5 players were ...
Christmas -to -do -it -all -the -ceremic deer for a special gift.
Between these two films there were not only four years - but also countless hours in the gym!In any case, you can see the lean stand-up comedian from "The Big Sick" as an immortal ...
A look at stylish French women is sufficient to be able to analyze the upcoming trends for spring.You can find out which three IT-Pieces our neighbors now love.
The walk to a tattoo studio should not arise from a temporary mood, but should be carefully considered beforehand.Because a tattoo may adorn your own body for life and is with ...
Last year First Watch Games steadily developed the action-packed gameplay of its blockbuster shooter Rogue Company and released a total of six playable agents.With the He ...
Shortly before his 80th birthday, he proves that he is as fast in crab cobbles as at his beginnings on Sylt.Jürgen Gosch only needs a few seconds to skillfully from his ...
IED ftfünege rateizshej lltfä ltncabnhiek asu - shonc to two to the twoth of the eid eid eid efnnottseeapr nurte dne riantnavkels eeidt eid pero nobn - itm red eeuefimnadhwr red "arlfudee" ms nov anjnho .star ...
Eleanor Shellstrop (Kristen Bell) is dead. She is killed in an accident.Suddenly she wakes up in the Good Place and meets Michael (Ted Danson).He is an angel of God who is on ...
Toni Garrn at the May/Juni edition of Vogue-with a baby bump and full of anticipation vogue, Toni Garrn has been accompanying both professionally and privately.Only last year z ...
The fans of Barbara Schöneberger, 47, can always rely on one thing: the moderator's looks are never guaranteed to be boring and always an eye -catcher.So also the clothes in one of her youngers ...
Many have already happened to many: proud of an idea, you tell a friend or a friend - and before you know it is just taken up by the person in question ...